Cartoon by Ben Garrison
Cartoon by Ben Garrison
Beloved cartoonist Gilbert Hernandez (LOVE & ROCKETS) launched his new D+Q graphic novel MARBLE SEASON, at Skylight Bookshop in Hollywood to a packed room of his fans and comic readers. Hernandez presented a fascinating slide show “From Funnybooks to Graphic Novels” featuring the comics of his childhood. In addition, there was a question and answer session with fans and a book signing. (Some signed copies may still be available at Skylight). The silver age comics he read as a child not only influenced MARBLE SEASON, but also set the course for Gilbert, as well as his brothers Jaime and Mario, to become the legendary comics creators they are today.
Marble Season is his first graphic novel for Drawn & Quarterly
MARBLE SEASON is the first ever semi-autobiographical novel by acclaimed cartoonist Gilbert Hernandez of Love & Rockets, and is also his first graphic novel for Drawn & Quarterly. Meet Huey. He’s the middle child of a big family, growing up in a California suburb in the 1960s. He stages Captain America plays in the backyard and treasures his older brother’s comic-book collection almost as much as his approval. Set against the golden age of the American dream and the silver age of comics, MARBLE SEASON is a subtle and deft rumination on the redemptive and timeless power of storytelling and world-building in childhood.
“Perhaps no other current creators of comics recognize (or vividly remember) the ways actual kids think, talk, or even stand and walk as accurately as the Hernandez brothers, and no other comics artists so delicately intertwine moments of childhood trauma with the goofy logic that otherwise sustains kids when they begin to sense that they live in an irrational world.”—from the afterword by Corey Creekmur
“Gilbert Hernandez is one of the great craftsmen of modern comics.”—New York Times
Praise for Palomar: “These deeply influential tales, a sort of Archie-comics-meets-Marquez melange of complicated pan-American inter-relationships, are a comix epic.”—Time
Praise for Gilbert Hernandez: “He…[should]…be considered one of the greatest American storytellers. It’s so hard to do funny, tragic, local and epic, and he does all simultaneously, and with great aplomb.”—Junot Diaz, Los Angeles TIMES
Click here to see video on youtube.
Click here to go to Skylight Books to get a signed copy.
Or watch the embedded video below:
Mandela Was Late
Frankly, as a parole officer, you root for your thugs to come late or, better yet, not show at all. They get kicked back in the can where they belong, and you have time for a sandwich. But somehow, I felt different about Nelson Mandela. Maybe I was losing my edge, but he seemed somehow more respectable than most of the ex-cons who pollute my schedule.
This is the opening paragraph from his famous article in Esquire Magazine and the title of his new book of memories of “odd things” in his “odd life”. (click here to read the entire article at Esquire’s web site.)
Mehlman has knocked around the sitcom business for a long time. For all you wannabes check out his sort of sitcom bio he wrote for Entertainment Weekly. It’s called “Notes From The Sitcom’s Deathbed.” It’s a screamer, so funny, yet so full of lessons learned in dealing with the Networks. It’s good that every once in a while someone like Mehlman comes along to remind us of the kind of savage, kinky, aberrant currs that inhabit the upper echelons of the biz. This article should be required reading, along with Merle Miller’s “Only You Dick Daring” to anyone who is venturing into the dark abyss called “Hollywood”. Click here to go to EW to read Notes From The Sitcom’s Deathbed.
Odd Thing. After a hilarious reading from his book, Mehlman asked for questions. There were none. A packed house, silence. Sometimes it’s like that, until one person asks a question and unleashes the tidal wave. I thought, “This guy has a million stories, how can there be no questions?” But I’m just the video guy, hiding behind the camera and keeping a low profile. Maybe the conspiracy theorists are right, the flouride in our water is actually dumbing us down. Maybe they dumped a double load in that day down at the water company. Without stomach-pumping he entire Book Soup audience, we’ll never know. Or come to think of it, maybe I was in a weird time warp of some kind, re-filming a scene from Mehlman’s film “Blank,” in which another audience had no questions, but applauded wildly for Mehlman’s crack-pot character Eugene Brusca, a man who never had an opinion on anything. Deja vu? Naw, just another Odd Thing.
Click here to watch Peter Mehlman’s reading at Book Soup, or click the embedded version below.
Click here to go to Peter Mehlman’s web site
Click here to go to The Sager Group web site, Mehlman’s Publishers.
Click here to go to the Book Soup web site to get a copy of the book.
And finally, check out www.petermehlman.com. It’s for sale.
– The White House has a new slogan about the attacks in the Middle East: Hope and Change Your Story.
– The economy is so bad, people are joining Romney’s 47% just for the ritzy life style.
– Monica Lewinsky is getting 12 million dollars for a book on Bill Clinton. The last time there was this much talk about Monica and Bill, Hillary Clinton got a Senate seat.
– According to a study at the University of Amsterdam, having sex makes your brain grow and you get smarter. Paris Hilton gave the rebuttal.
– A chef in L.A. who killed his wife and slow-cooked her body in a barrel of hot water has been convicted of murder. The reaction from his lawyer? “That’s a crock!
And finally…
So long from Hollywood, where contempt breeds familiarity.