Alcatraz Puzzle Owned By Prison Escapee

Puzzle Found in Thrift Shop Owned By Famous Prisoner Who Escaped From Alcatraz in 1962!

This puzzle, found in the Santa Monica Goodwill, was owned by famous prisoner!

One of the three men who escaped from Alcatraz Prison on June 11, 1962 had owned this puzzle and had signed his name on the back of the box.  John Anglin, who escaped from the famous “Rock” with his brother Clarence “Rence” Anglin and bank robber Frank Morris had lived his final years in Southern California.  He had even written a letter to the F.B.I. asking for a deal because he needed medical help because he had cancer.  The F.B.I. dismissed the letter as a fake and continued to claim that all three prisoners had died during the escape.  This puzzle box proves them wrong, once again.

John Anglin signed his name on the back of the box. Inside the box was a certificate of authenticity!

The story of the legendary escape of the three men from Alcatraz has gone mythic.  They dug a tunnel out through the decaying walls of the prison, and using a homemade raft, they paddled across the bay in the dark of night.  They eventually made their way to South America where the Anglin brothers lived for years.  Frank Morris lived out his life in Argentina.

The Anglin brothers must have spent many pleasant hours in Rio de Janeiro putting together the pieces of the puzzle of their old home on the Rock.  They probably had some real belly laughs over a few beers talking about their fantastic escape that nobody else had ever done.

Pentagon UFO Denier Stung by Giant Mosquito

Shocked Military Chiefs Scramble To Explain Attack

Photo taken by shocked tourist at Pentagon.

A Pentagon spokesman who was the head of the UFO Disinformation Dept., was brutally attacked as he left the Pentagon yesterday.  Witnesses said a gigantic mosquito came out of nowhere and speared the man in the back.  The unidentified man was rushed to Walter Reed Hospital where military doctors worked feverously for 7 hours to stabilize him.  The Chief Medical doctor said the man “has a 50% chance of survival.”

At first, the press thought that the man who was attacked was Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby, but he was located at a tony bar in D.C., having an after-work cocktail with the top brass.  “We’ll find that mosquito and bring him to justice”, said Kirby.

Eyewitnesses to the attack said the mosquito flew off rapidly and was out of sight in seconds.  One witness described seeing a UFO in the area, but the Pentagon quickly put that rumor to rest by showing a photo of the planet Venus to reporters.  Some reporters wondered if the mosquito had anything to do with the breeding program conducted in near-by Florida by Bill Gates.  The Pentagon declined to speculate on where it came from, although one source said the Gates mosquitos were very small, and there was nothing to see there.  That’s how small they were, almost invisible.  The chance of a mutant giant is considered also small.

Noah’s Ark Found on Mars

NASA Claims Debris Is From Ancient UFO Crash

California Scientist Says the Famous Flood Story Actually Happened on Mars!

Remains of Noah’s Ark Photographed on Mars by NASA

Noah’s Ark has been found on Mars.  Photos released by NASA rover show the ship is buried in sand inside a crater.  NASA scientists are speculating that the object is actually the remains of an ancient UFO crash.  These scientists have stated that they have seen similar evidence on Earth, which is itself a revelation, as NASA has for decades denied the existence of Extra Terrestrial Life.

Meanwhile, a California Scientist and UFO Researcher P. Edward Hunt has determined that the object is actually the long-lost Noah’s Ark.  Dr. Hunt explained to a press conference that the Flood actually occurred on Mars many thousands of years ago.  A rogue planet entering our solar system brushed Mars and stripped off most of the water on the planet.  The ancient Martian civilization had pinned its hopes on a Martian King named No-ah Man.  He saved samples of all life forms on the planet, but when the water from the flood was sucked into space, the ark was buried in the sands of Mars.


Dr. P. Edward Hunt photographed at a Los Angeles UFO meeting in 2014

Dr. Hunt, a member of the Ancient Order of Dissident Scientists, explained that when Elon Musk gets to Mars, he should immediately go to the site of Noah’s Ark, where Hunt claims that much of the DNA of ancient Martian life forms and animals may still exist inside the Ark.  “Think of it this way,” said Dr. Hunt, “The mud from the debris and evaporated water formed a cocoon around the ship, sealing everything inside and protecting it from the elements for the last 25,000 years”.  Hunt believes that the remains of No-Ah will also be found.  “The Martians were in some ways our ancient ancestors, although much shorter and lighter due to gravitational differences.” explained Hunt.

This astounding archeological find on another planet will change our history, many scientists believe.  NASA spokesmen scoffed at the idea of Noah’s Ark.  They said that remarks from “Renegade, Rogue UFO scientists like Hunt are ridiculous”.   Elon Musk refused comment on this controversy, saying only “X” will tell.

China Disguises Spy Fleet as Goodyear Blimps

Chinese Spy Blimps Capture Musk’s Mars Rocket!

Escape Over Long Beach Towing American Craft

Nest Stop – China!

A fleet of Communist Chinese spy ships disguised as Goodyear Blimps have successfully completed their mission of hijacking Elon Musk’s Prototype Mars Rocket and are now towing it to an underground base near Beijing, China.  It is well known by U.S. Intelligence that the Commies are jealous of America’s No 1 Genius and are bound and determined to beat America to Mars.

“The Red Planet will soon belong to Red China”.  said Shag Soon Joy, the Press Officer of the Chinese Rocket Bureau.  “China needs more space for farmland and to build fabulous casinos.  With Musk’s rocket ship, we will fulfill our dreams,” he said.

Meanwhile, Musk, contacted at his office at Twitter headquarters, reportedly flew into a rage when he heard about the stealth attack.  “That’s the last straw,” he screamed.  “I’m moving my entire Tesla manufacturing to Taiwan, NOW.” 

“Those morons will pay for this outrage” he said

It is always unwise to cross Musk, as he holds all the secrets of Nikola Tesla, including the fantastic weapons of hybrid warfare.  It is rumored that Musk has given China 24 hours to return his rocket ship or he will destroy half of China with massive earthquakes.  The great scientist  Tesla invented a small machine that puts out a powerful audio vibration that will act like a tuning forkcausing a massive earthquake that could potentially destroy China’s entire manufacturing province.  “Their electric vehicle battery market will downturn if they don’t return Musk’s rocket ship,” said an anonymous source at Twitter.  “My advice to the Chinese” said a Tesla press officer, “is to comply with Mr. Musk’s order.  And next time you want to steal a rocket ship go steal one from Bezos – he’s a wuss  Maybe he’ll throw in a subscription to the Washington Post.”


Hickory Dickory Dock – Lesson and Sing-Along

Former Trump Strategist Connects the Dots

Former Trump strategist Steve Bannon has connected the dots to expose the Covid 19 virus conspiracy.  Bannon and crew have proof that U.S. medical personnel were “partnered” with the Wuhan Lab in China as far back as 2015 and engaged in “Gain of  Function” (making a regular virus stronger) experiments. researcher Natalie Winters discovered a long ago podcast (2015) where several medical researchers were involved in studying the bat virus from China.  They explain how they made the virus able to jump to human-to human contact through their lab techniques, in order to find a “cure” for the virus that they created.  This dangerous business was at least temporarily halted by the U.S. State Department, under the Obama Administration.  But nevertheless, the bat was out of the cave, and some theorists place the partnered Wuhan Lab in China as the place where the created virus escaped.

You can listen to the complete podcast at this link, click here

The result, like in the movie “Frankenstein”, was death and destruction.  The companies hawking the so-called “vaccines”, however, have made billions and have immunity from legal prosecution.

We think the appropriate response to all this Medical Science Fiction Horror, would be to have a Sing-Along.  So get your friends around the world and join in the fun.  Warning: Do Not Wear Your Mask While Singing.

Hickory, Dickory Dock Sing Along.


Hickory, Dickory, Dock

Fauci set the clock

The clock struck one

He wanted some fun

Hickory, Dickory, Dock


Hickory, Dickory, Dock

The mouse went up the clock.

The clock struck two

It fell in the stew

Hickory, Dickory, Dock


Hickory, Dickory, Dock

The bat flew into the clock

The clock struck three

Got SARS for free

Hickory, Dickory, Dock


Hickory, Dickory, Dock

The mouse went back to the clock

The clock struck four

It got the spore

Hickory, Dickory, Dock


Hickory, Dickory, Dock

The spike came out of the clock

The clock struck five

The virus was live

Hickory, Dickory, Dock


Hickory, Dickory, Dock

Woo Han sneaked into the clock

The clock struck six

A bag of tricks

Hickory, Dickory, Dock


Hickory, Dickory, Dock

Evil burst out of the clock

The clock struck seven

You go to Heaven

Hickory, Dickory, Dock


Hickory, Dickory, Dock

Covid has ruined the clock

The clock struck eight

Must I-SO-Late

Hickory, Dickory, Dock


Hickory, Dickory, Dock

A vax dripped out of the clock

The clock struck nine

A dollar sign

Hickory, Dickory, Dock


Hickory, Dickory, Dock

The media found the clock

The clock struck ten

Used a poison pen

Hickory, Dickory, Dock


Hickory, Dickory, Dock

Eleven is now on the clock

There’s Culture Shock

In our cell block

Hickory, Dickory, Dock


Hickory, Dickory, Dock

Time’s run out on the clock

The plague is now here

For all to fear

Hickory, Dickory, Dock



Biden to Appoint Trump Ambassador to North Korea

Kim Jong Un Ecstatic to Work With His Old Friend

Chinese Communists in Turmoil Over News

Rumors are swirling around Washington, D.C.’s homeless community that President Joe Biden is set to appoint former President Donald Trump as Ambassador to North Korea.  Biden is thought to have said that Kim Jong Un would be pleased to be able to work with his old friend once again.

Professor Vladamir Spookofsky, of the famed Global Institute of Geopolitical Studies in Basil, Switzerland, said that Biden’s appointment accomplishes two main goals:  “First, it gets Trump off the Mainland and out of Biden’s thinning hairline.  Second, it will shock the Chinese and put the fear in the CCP that North Korea could become an economic powerhouse to rival China under Trump’s magic touch,”  said the Professor.

Trump before (L) and after (R) receiving news of his appointment as Ambassador

Former President Trump has in the past made many comments on the endless possibilities in North Korea.  His staff has mentioned how excited Trump would get talking about opening golf courses and creating a huge group of luxury gambling casinos along North Korea’s eastern seaboard.  Being in daily contact with Chairman Kim will give Trump a chance to pitch him on the possibilities of Kim joining Trump to make billions of dollars on such projects.  Trump has also floated the idea of sticking his thump into Hollywood’s eye and starting an Asian Beauty Contest that will stomp the now dying Miss World debacle.

Kim Jong Un and his cabinet of yes men.

Meanwhile, Kim Jong Un is rumored to be getting a tremendous welcome for Trump’s return to North Korea.  Kim and Trump have a timeless bond, said to be twin brothers in past lives, and these two powerhouses will most likely change the face of Asia.  The Chinese Communists, meanwhile, see the handwriting on the wall, and are packing their bags and reserving seats on their next rocket to the moon.

Illuminati and Masonic Orders Outraged by Ban on Secret Handshakes

California Bans “Handshake” and Personal Contact Triggering Revolt of Secret Societies Who Communicate With Secret Handshakes.

California’s would-be tin-horn dictator has managed to outrage all of the 700 Secret Societies operating in the State.  Most of these secret orders go back hundreds, if not thousands of years.  The “secret handshake” is the way the groups tell each other who they are, and communicate hidden messages that outsiders cannot observe.

Mr. John Wong, (not his real name) the current leader of the Chinese Illuminist and Free and Mostly Accepted Asian Masonic groups, was recently contacted at his import/export business in China.  “Anyone who interferes with our traditions and secret operations is considered an enemy” he said.  “Gov. Newsom thinks he can control humanity and disrupt our power by the phony “Social Distance” edicts he spews out.  We have contacted our fellow secret orders in California and around the world and we will soon respond to this attack on our traditions,” he said.  Many other occult groups have been ignoring Newsom’s edicts and are meeting behind closed doors to formulate their strategy.

One long time occultist, a member of the Sons of the Real Bavarian Illuminati located in Napa, California said that secret societies operate in the shadows, but exert much control of the visible world, like the courts, business, libraries, etc.  By shuttering all State and Local government meetings, libraries, open courts and most businesses, Newsom has been choking the life out of the entire society.  The occult groups find most of their activities blocked, and are now going to extreme underground techniques to survive.  The occult groups have set up their own secret “Zoom” type meetings and are making plans to wrest back control of their life and activities from the power mad Newsom.


Unknown Bag Head Says Comedy Is Dead

The Serbian Brown Grocery Bag Guy Says “The Pandemic Has Killed Comedy”

The Unknown Bag Head Has a Beef

“Please, say something funny” is written in black ink on his paper bag face, a philosophical tattoo screaming for help.  The Unknown (and Unknowable) Serbian, who, it is whispered, has comedic constipation, and hasn’t laughed since the Pandemic began in March of this year. “I’m embarrassed to be a human, that’s why I put on the Bag.”

“The dreaded Rhona killed comedy, with a lot of help from our Governor and our local health bureaucrats” he said.  “It wasn’t exactly the virus, it was our reaction to it.  All the fun things in life were closed down: Disneyland, the Comedy Clubs, the Magic Castle, the Movie Theaters, the Play Houses, the Coffee Houses, everything.  Gone with the snap of the finger of a deranged politician in Sacramento, and his little lackey in L.A. City Hall.  This is the Cultural Apocalypse.”

So what’s left?  With Leno gone, it’s just a couple of cardboard comedians on late night and young punks on SNL who tell Trump jokes 24/7.  They’ve all lost their sense of humor.  Trump is not even real, he is a hologram created by an Alien Intelligence who is determined to destroy humor and replace it with a 1984 style authoritarian government where laughing will be punished with fines, and telling a joke will land you in jail or picking up trash around homeless camps.

This conspiracy is obvious, so in your face, or in this case, so in your paper bag head, that who can deny it?  Consider this:

–To prevent even a smile, everyone must wear a mask.  You would never know if the guy passing you on the street is smiling.

–Wearing a mask means even if you laugh it is muffled and nobody will hear you.

–Keeping Social Distance of 6 feet prevents humans from making funny comments about others, telling little jokes about things.

–The Lock Down, like in a prison, prevents men from gathering anywhere, and all venues, clubs, even parks, are closed down.  If you are caught with others not in your immediate family, you can be cited.  Things will escalate, soon you will be beaten to a pulp and eaten by aliens for that transgression.

–Gavin Newsom is an Alien-Human Hybrid.  His relative Nance Pelosi is over 600 years old, and is known to live on a diet of parakeets and centipede legs.

–The Aliens are the only ones laughing.  Those pencil-necked geeks are howling, screaming belly laughs at the things they are getting humans to do.  They really got off when they created the first toilet paper shortage.  Humans fighting over the rolls in markets, stocking up hundreds of packs in their garages.  These Aliens don’t defecate themselves, their systems are different, so humans dealing with toilet paper is hilarious to them.

–Every week they announce a different product shortage, then howl as they watch humans scramble around to stock up, or be emotionally racked up when they can’t get enough of something like taco sauce. Humans wait in lines at markets for hours, griping and grousing.  A double-knee slapper for the ETs.

–The final Takeover is coming soon.  It may be the vaccine, or something in it.  Something will happen, humans will start mimicking apes and walking on all fours, or crawling around on their backs, throwing the Aliens into apoplectic laughter.

–The Unknown Bag Man says the only solution is to throw off your mask and Say Something Funny, make a joke about THEM, humiliate those ugly critters and they will scurry back to their own planet. The Unknown Bag Head has discovered that these ETs cannot take a joke that is directed at them!  Make fun of them and they are done.   Only then can an Army of Humans march on Sacramento, grab the Hybrid Newsom, put him in a hot air balloon and send him toward the Arctic wearing shorts and a Tommy Bahamas shirt.