Alternative Cartoonist and Graphic Novelist Gabrielle Bell reads from 4 of her recent stories at Skylight Books.
Gabrielle Bell was born in Britain but raised in California. Now living in Brooklyn, NY, she came to Hollywood to promote her new book “The Voyeurs.” The pretty, lanky, and somewhat shy Ms. Bell presented a slide show of four wonderful, funny stories that have either appeared in her new book or in recent comic collections. When asked about who inspired her, she answered that Joe Frank was a big influence on her. Most of us who lived in California the last few decades feel the same way: the brilliant Joe Frank touched all of us in his absolutely genius way. Gabrielle’s charming, thoughtful stories will also touch you. And make you laugh! Check at Skylight Books, they may still have a few copies of her new book signed, give them a call. If you missed the event, no problem, Big Fun Video was there to film it for us, just click on the window below! Thanks Gabrielle for a great fun evening!
Watch full screen on youtube: or click on window below.